
Unboxing: How to make unpacking an experience!

Everyone knows it - the excitement and anticipation of opening a beautifully wrapped gift. The brief feeling of happiness when removing the ribbon and the colorful wrapping paper. The so-called "unboxing" uses exactly this emotion with the customer and stages the unpacking of the goods as a brand experience.


What is the fascination of unpacking? 
Our everyday life often consists of habits and recurring processes. These routines give us security in everyday events. But they do not stimulate the reward center in the brain. With an aesthetic package, however, they do: it provides happiness hormones and anticipation.

Unboxing videos have long been established on social networks. In self-made videos on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok, influencers film themselves unboxing products, describing the individual steps in detail. This type of video is particularly popular for electronic products, toys and cosmetics. Viewers experience the unboxing without having to buy the product themselves.   


What is the unboxing experience?

Unboxing refers to the - sometimes staged - removal of product or shipping packaging. Unboxing is celebrated and thus offers a very emotional interaction with the brand. In contrast to conventional packaging, the company involved attaches great importance to the selection of its packaging materials. This often includes high-quality and customized packaging and brand boxes, attractive inserts, free samples and specimens.  


Building an unpacking experience

The foundation of an unboxing experience is proper branding of your packaging materials. Your brand should always be the focus of your packaging as well. This creates a high-quality impression on your customer. A recurring corporate identity links the positive emotions with your brand.  

It's almost impossible to offer your customer an unboxing experience without associating it with branding of your brand. Your brand is always the center of attention, even with the packaging!

According to a study by Dotcom Distribution, 40% of online shoppers would share a picture of their purchase on social media if it came to them in branded packaging. This identity with your branding creates a desirable impression of exclusivity for the consumer.


Why is the unboxing experience important?

Retailers are making a mistake if they declare unboxing to be a short-term online trend. With the ever-increasing importance of e-commerce, consumer expectations have also increased with regard to brick-and-mortar retail.

When you provide your customer with an unboxing experience, it's not just so your customer will share pictures and videos of it: Rather, it's a sophisticated post-purchase marketing strategy. The delivery of your product is the last interaction (for now) your brand has with your customer before they start using your product. It's all about creating the best possible (final) impression. This strategy can therefore also be applied analogously to stationary retail.  

The first impression is crucial

In e-commerce, you have far fewer touchpoints between your brand and your customer than in physical retail. As a result, online purchases tend to feel anonymous and impersonal. This makes it all the more important for you as a retailer to make the most of the touchpoints you do have.

Tell the story of your brand!  

Especially in highly competitive markets, you should emphasize the uniqueness of your brand, because at the time of delivery you have the full attention of your customer. In the best case, he or she has already waited anxiously for the delivery and is now looking forward to unpacking it. Through clever branding of the packaging, you now create the basis for a deeper cognitive memory of the brand.

5 steps to create the perfect unboxing experience for your brand

1. packaging with brand logo

When your goods arrive at the customer's door, you want it to be clear from the start who they came from. Unprinted boxes are cheaper for you to purchase, but they don't offer any recognition effect, which consequently doesn't pay off for your brand.

2. special filler material 

Filler materials are important to protect your product during transportation. To emphasize the high-quality impression of your product, you should also pay attention to qualitative fillers. Bubble wrap or plain kraft paper may be practical, but they don't necessarily meet aesthetic requirements. Here, you should consider alternatives that fit your brand and products. It would be possible, for example, to use tissue paper or a wood wool filling.

3. product presentation

How the product is arranged in its box determines the customer's aesthetic perception. The more vividly positioned, the more likely your customer is to photograph the product in its packaging and share it with friends.

4. free samples

Free samples are an effective way to add value to your customer while convincing them to buy more of your products. Adding samples to the order costs you little compared to the potential cross-selling.

5. individual approach  

Online retailing is often not comparable with the personal shopping experience in bricks-and-mortar retailing. To ensure that the customer still builds a special relationship with your brand, it is helpful to keep the packaging and content personal, e.g. by using a high-quality flyer with an individual address. Also, a note or two in your package can be the icing on the cake. A handwritten thank you note is an investment of time for you that makes the customer feel special.

When it comes to putting together a memorable buying experience for your customer, there are no limits to your imagination. There are options for every budget and every product price range. It's now up to you to present your brand to the customer in an ideal way.

We are happy to support you with personalized and high-quality packaging materials and create a packaging solution together with you that emotionally charges your product. Please feel free to arrange a consultation with us! >> Contact